Purchase CardTemp
CardTemp solves the heat conduction equation to predict the PWB Temperatures.
To purchase CardTemp on a USB flash drive, make a $400.00 (USD) check payable to Advanced Thermal Engineering and send it to the address below.
CardTempAdvanced Thermal Engineering, Inc.P. O. Box 4528Huntsville, AL 35815 USA
FreeTemp is the free convection subset of CardTemp.
To purchase FreeTemp on a USB flash drive, make a $200.00 (USD) check payable to Advanced Thermal Engineering and send it to the address below.
To purchase FreeTemp on a USB flash drive, make a $200.00 (USD) check payable to Advanced Thermal Engineering and send it to the address below.
FreeTempAdvanced Thermal Engineering, Inc.P. O. Box 4528Huntsville, AL 35815 USA
Card_Hz is the rule of thumb for PWB vibration and shock requirements.
To purchase Card_Hz on a USB flash drive, make a $100.00 (USD) check payable to Advanced Thermal Engineering and send it to the address below.
To purchase Card_Hz on a USB flash drive, make a $100.00 (USD) check payable to Advanced Thermal Engineering and send it to the address below.
Card_HzAdvanced Thermal Engineering, Inc.P. O. Box 4528Huntsville, AL 35815 USA